available in add-on @vueuse/firebase
Reactive Firebase Auth binding. It provides a reactive user
and isAuthenticated
so you can easily react to changes in the users' authentication status.
<script setup lang="ts">
import firebase from 'firebase'
import { useAuth } from '@vueuse/firebase/useAuth'
const { GoogleAuthProvider } = firebase.auth
const { isAuthenticated, user } = useAuth(firebase.auth)
const signIn = () => firebase.auth().signInWithPopup(new GoogleAuthProvider())
<pre v-if="isAuthenticated">{{ user }}</pre>
<div v-else>
<button @click="signIn">
Sign In with Google
Type Declarations
export interface FirebaseAuthOptions {
isAuthenticated: ComputedRef<boolean>
user: Ref<firebase.User | null>
export declare function useAuth(
authInstance: typeof firebase.auth | firebase.auth.Auth
): {
isAuthenticated: ComputedRef<boolean>
user: Ref<{
delete: () => Promise<void>
emailVerified: boolean
getIdTokenResult: (
forceRefresh?: boolean | undefined
) => Promise<firebase.auth.IdTokenResult>
getIdToken: (forceRefresh?: boolean | undefined) => Promise<string>
isAnonymous: boolean
linkAndRetrieveDataWithCredential: (
credential: firebase.auth.AuthCredential
) => Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>
linkWithCredential: (
credential: firebase.auth.AuthCredential
) => Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>
linkWithPhoneNumber: (
phoneNumber: string,
applicationVerifier: firebase.auth.ApplicationVerifier
) => Promise<firebase.auth.ConfirmationResult>
linkWithPopup: (
provider: firebase.auth.AuthProvider
) => Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>
linkWithRedirect: (provider: firebase.auth.AuthProvider) => Promise<void>
metadata: {
creationTime?: string | undefined
lastSignInTime?: string | undefined
multiFactor: {
enrolledFactors: {
uid: string
displayName?: string | null | undefined
enrollmentTime: string
factorId: string
enroll: (
assertion: firebase.auth.MultiFactorAssertion,
displayName?: string | null | undefined
) => Promise<void>
getSession: () => Promise<firebase.auth.MultiFactorSession>
unenroll: (
option: string | firebase.auth.MultiFactorInfo
) => Promise<void>
phoneNumber: string | null
providerData: ({
displayName: string | null
email: string | null
phoneNumber: string | null
photoURL: string | null
providerId: string
uid: string
} | null)[]
reauthenticateAndRetrieveDataWithCredential: (
credential: firebase.auth.AuthCredential
) => Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>
reauthenticateWithCredential: (
credential: firebase.auth.AuthCredential
) => Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>
reauthenticateWithPhoneNumber: (
phoneNumber: string,
applicationVerifier: firebase.auth.ApplicationVerifier
) => Promise<firebase.auth.ConfirmationResult>
reauthenticateWithPopup: (
provider: firebase.auth.AuthProvider
) => Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>
reauthenticateWithRedirect: (
provider: firebase.auth.AuthProvider
) => Promise<void>
refreshToken: string
reload: () => Promise<void>
sendEmailVerification: (
actionCodeSettings?: firebase.auth.ActionCodeSettings | null | undefined
) => Promise<void>
tenantId: string | null
toJSON: () => Object
unlink: (providerId: string) => Promise<firebase.User>
updateEmail: (newEmail: string) => Promise<void>
updatePassword: (newPassword: string) => Promise<void>
updatePhoneNumber: (
phoneCredential: firebase.auth.AuthCredential
) => Promise<void>
updateProfile: (profile: {
displayName?: string | null | undefined
photoURL?: string | null | undefined
}) => Promise<void>
verifyBeforeUpdateEmail: (
newEmail: string,
actionCodeSettings?: firebase.auth.ActionCodeSettings | null | undefined
) => Promise<void>
displayName: string | null
email: string | null
photoURL: string | null
providerId: string
uid: string
} | null>